Town of Plattsburgh
Airport Smart Growth Plan
Town of Plattsburgh, NY
Town of Plattsburgh, NY
Prime Consultant
Behan Planning and Design
Project Status
Completed 2021
The town of Plattsburgh secured grant funding from the National Association of Realtors to develop a smart growth plan to help guide the redevelopment of the former Clinton County Airport. Behan Planning and Design with Regrowth Planning and Upstate GIS were engaged by the town to assist in the preparation of the plan. This plan provides a future land use vision that identifies appropriate smart growth principles targeted toward the specific characteristics and community goals for the area, including land conservation opportunities along the Saranac River. The goal of this plan was to guide the transformation of a large underutilized property into a multi-purpose asset that will serve the economic needs of the community over the long term while complementing town plans for the adjacent town center area and the preservation of natural resources along the Saranac River corridor.