Inlet Valley
Economic Development Strategy
and Zoning Amendment
Town of Ithaca
Prime Consultant:
ConsultEcon, Inc.
Project Status:
Code Drafting Complete
The Town of Ithaca retained ConsultEcon, Inc. and Behan Planning and Design to develop an economic development feasibility study and strategic plan for the Route 13 corridor entering into Ithaca. There was a recognized need to solidify the economic base of the Inlet Valley Route 13 corridor as an opportunity to capitalize upon the unique sense of place of the scenic and historic river valley nestled between two magnificent state parks. The economic development feasibility study provided a review and assessment of the study area, site and market conditions relative to tourism, hospitality and agricultural uses, and recommendations on zoning changes, vehicular circulation and access management. The plan also included recommendations on a system of trail routes and a country laneway which would provide more pedestrian friendly connections parallel to the busy travel corridor. The strategic plan and zoning code and design guidelines form a foundational framework for appropriate economic development in the Inlet Valley.
A zoning overlay district was created to guide economic development in the Inlet Valley through outdoor recreation, tourism and agriculture-culinary related land uses. Conservation of the rural and agricultural character of the area includes economic development incentives along with a country laneway and trail system to create connections throughout the valley.