Greenway Strategic
Development Plan

Town of Glenville/Village of Scotia


Town of Glenville, NY

Prime Consultant:

Behan Planning & Design

Project Status:

Completed 2021

Behan Planning and design, in partnership with Chazen Engineering, developed a plan for the communities of Glenville and Scotia to create a network of pedestrian and bicycle routes that included a multi-use pathway system. The vision of this plan is to connect neighborhoods with local destinations including employment centers, shops, schools and essential services. An inventory of existing trails, paths, and sidewalks was taken as well as assessing prior plans and funding for future routes. Public workshops were held in order to gain public input concerning which trail and sidewalk connections were most desired by residents and conceptual designs and cost estimates were prepared for priority projects.


Albany Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan


Centroplex Parking Garage and Plaza Renovations