Town of Clifton Park:
Town Center Park Master Plan
Town of Clifton Park, NY
Town of Clifton Park
Prime Consultant:
Project Status:
Completed 2019

Behan Planning and Design, assisted by Elan Planning and Design, utilized a two-part public outreach process which focused first determining the public “vision” for the property, and then developed an overall master plan for the park design. A visioning workshop followed by an on-line survey established the type of character the community sought for the future park. The visioning process was then followed by a design workshop which included interactive exercises to identify what areas of the park should be left natural, what areas should be improved, and what types of activities people wanted to have in their community. The combined process of visioning and design were used, in combination with an ecological study, to develop different design concepts for the park. The final design concept was eventually chosen by the advisory committee to move forward as the final master plan and the park improvements are now underway.